TKO - Mission, Values & Vision

TKO Industrial Services is committed to provide our customers and partners with safe, reliable, cost-effective leak repair solutions at an industry leading response time. Our objective is to ensure we add value to our customers' operations by minimizing the downtime of any of their equipment with timely, reliable and efficient repairs.

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industrial leak repair ontario, hot tapping ontario


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We promote an Incident Free work environment through the use of our Risk Based Assessments, training, and commitment to continually change and improve to ensure the best work practices are utilized.

We promote a positive work environment to ensure all of our employees feel valued and secure in a harassment free workplace.

We promote an Independent workplace culture through Respect, Empowerment and Trust in our Employees.


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Embrace integrity and ethics: Being accountable and responsible in everything we do.

Promote sustainability: Awareness of equitable social and environmental contexts to live and work in

Develop communities and relationships: Building something special with others

Strive to be client centric: Making a difference in our client's business culture and operations

Committed to learning and excellence: Focus on "can do" and creating value


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To develop long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with our clients and community as we move towards becoming the specialty mechanical service provider of choice.